Keep baby safe
Information to help you keep your baby safe, and practical tips for buying and using products.

Product safety news
LG Energy Solution has provided an enforceable undertaking that it will increase its efforts to alert and protect consumers from faulty LG solar storage batteries which can overheat and catch fire without warning.
Furniture suppliers will be required to provide safety warnings to consumers about the dangers of toppling furniture hazards, after the Assistant Treasurer, the Hon. Stephen Jones, made a new information standard for toppling furniture.
The Assistant Treasurer, the Hon. Stephen Jones, has today issued a national safety warning notice to warn consumers of fire risks associated with recalled LG solar lithium-ion batteries which are installed in solar energy systems across the country.
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How the ACCC protects consumers
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is an independent Commonwealth statutory authority.
In product safety, our role is to address the risk of serious injury, serious illness and death from safety hazards in consumer products.
Each year, we identify key priorities. We target the highest priority risks from unsafe consumer goods.
We raise public awareness and work to create the rules to protect consumers from unsafe products.
Consumers have the right to expect certain things when they buy a product or service.
In consumer law, these basic rights are called consumer guarantees. One of these rights is products sold to consumers must be of acceptable quality and be safe.