Your baby will spend a lot of time in their cot so it’s important to keep the sleeping environment safe and secure.
Product of Office of Fair Trading - OFT (QLD)
From a child’s point of view, your home looks like a big playground. But there are hidden dangers they don’t recognise.
Product of Office of Fair Trading - OFT (QLD)
Bunk beds can be a great space-saving option for smaller rooms and kids love them. If your children are using bunk beds...
Product of Office of Fair Trading - OFT (QLD)
A portable cot is great for sleepovers and travelling, but should not be used for permanent sleeping arrangements. However, you need to use it correctly to avoid injuries to your child.
Product of Office of Fair Trading - OFT (QLD)
Since May 2009 the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has been evaluating issues about the strength and integrity of wooden drop sides on children’s household cots.
Make your home a safe place for children. Young children love to climb and will often play on household furniture. However, climbing on furniture can place children at significant risk.