Acorn Stairlifts Pty Ltd (Acorn)—Acorn 120 Superglide straight stairlift

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Acorn 120 Superglide straight stairlift manufactured between 2007 and 2011. These units have serial numbers between 110101209781 and 110202352678. Acorn is replacing the seat post of these stairlifts.
Identifying features
Serial numbers between 110101209781 and 110202352678

Other identifying numbers

Serial numbers between 110101209781 and 110202352678

Reasons the product is recalled

It is possible that the seat post weld may be defective.

The hazards to consumers

If the seat post fails, the product poses a fall hazard to consumers.

What consumers should do

The ACCC advises the following:

Consumers should contact Acorn on 1800 224000 or by emailing to arrange to have the seat post replaced. If you have already been contacted by Acorn and your seat post has already been replaced you do not need to take any further action.

Based on an independent risk assessment, Acorn advises that it is safer to continue to use the stairlift until Acorn replaces the seat post, rather than using the stairs unaided because the risk of falling when using the stairs unaided is much higher than the low risk potential for the seat weld to fail.

The ACCC advises that consumers may wish to make temporary arrangements to avoid risks, such as:

• Temporarily avoiding the upper levels of the house

• Arranging for a relative or carer to be available to assist them use the stairs

• Temporarily staying with a friend or relative.



Traders who sold this product

Acorn Stairlifts Pty Ltd (Acorn)

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category