PRA number
Published date
Product description
Candles with daisy flowers within the wax, were sold through Gift Stores during August 2002. These candles will have the Artique Home Designs Logo and Item Nos. between 602151 - 602172 (inclusive) printed on a label affixed to the base of each candle.
Reasons the product is recalled
A potential fire risk may occur while burning these candles should the daisy flowers within the wax catch fire.
The hazards to consumers
What consumers should do
Discontinue use of the candles immediately and return to the place of purchase for a full refund. For further information phone toll free number 1800 627 588.
Artique Designs Pty Ltd
Where the product was sold
New South Wales
Western Australia
Responsible regulator
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.