Product description
NSQXSH Shaving Gel - Barcode 6941924322707
NSKY Men's Oil Control Face Wash - Barcode 6941924322233
MLT Bunny Cleansing Foam - Barcode 6941924321885
WWX Bear Cleansing Foam - Barcode 6941924321908
XHY Duck Cleansing Foam - Barcode 6941924321892
MGZRBS Rose Essence Salt Body Scrub - Barcode 6941924323216
NNZYNH Milk Silky Salt Body Scrub - Barcode 6941924323209
XYCSH Lavender Soothing Salt Body Scrub - Barcode - 6941924323223
CHHXC Mimosa Perfume Yellow - Barcode 6928441730994
LMZW Romantic Kiss Perfume - Barcode 6928441731779
LLXCL Freesia Perfume Green - Barcode 6928441731007
LLHP Crystal Lake Hair & Body Fragrance Mist - Barcode 6928441730901
Aloe Essence Hydra Lotion - Barcode 6940891850992
Green Tea Makeup Remover Refreshing - Barcode 6922200854235
Free Style Lip Balm for Men - Barcode 6923149014919
WMXH Perfect Meeting Perfume - Barcode 6928441731748
WSSM Mist Land Hair & Body Fragrance Mist - Barcode 6928441730918
Lavender Extract Radiance Hydra Lotion - Barcode 6940891850985
Sakura Makeup Remover Brightening - Barcode 6922200854242
NSKY Men's Oil Control Face Wash - Barcode 6941924322233
MLT Bunny Cleansing Foam - Barcode 6941924321885
WWX Bear Cleansing Foam - Barcode 6941924321908
XHY Duck Cleansing Foam - Barcode 6941924321892
MGZRBS Rose Essence Salt Body Scrub - Barcode 6941924323216
NNZYNH Milk Silky Salt Body Scrub - Barcode 6941924323209
XYCSH Lavender Soothing Salt Body Scrub - Barcode - 6941924323223
CHHXC Mimosa Perfume Yellow - Barcode 6928441730994
LMZW Romantic Kiss Perfume - Barcode 6928441731779
LLXCL Freesia Perfume Green - Barcode 6928441731007
LLHP Crystal Lake Hair & Body Fragrance Mist - Barcode 6928441730901
Aloe Essence Hydra Lotion - Barcode 6940891850992
Green Tea Makeup Remover Refreshing - Barcode 6922200854235
Free Style Lip Balm for Men - Barcode 6923149014919
WMXH Perfect Meeting Perfume - Barcode 6928441731748
WSSM Mist Land Hair & Body Fragrance Mist - Barcode 6928441730918
Lavender Extract Radiance Hydra Lotion - Barcode 6940891850985
Sakura Makeup Remover Brightening - Barcode 6922200854242
See a list of details to help identify the product
Reason the product is recalled
The products do not comply with the 'Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information Standards) (Cosmetics) Regulations 1991 Statutory Rules 1979 No. 237'.
The products do not have English language labelling identifying the ingredients.
The products do not have English language labelling identifying the ingredients.
The hazards to consumers
Use of the products may expose users to ingredients they are sensitive or allergic to.
What consumers should do
Consumers who have purchased an affected product during the specified period should stop using the product immediately.
Consumers can return the product for a full refund. Returns and refunds only for the Ximi Vogue shop in Gateway Shopping Centre, Palmerston, Darwin.
Consumers can contact the shop on 0474 888 099 (Monday-Friday, 10am - 5pm).
Consumers can return the product for a full refund. Returns and refunds only for the Ximi Vogue shop in Gateway Shopping Centre, Palmerston, Darwin.
Consumers can contact the shop on 0474 888 099 (Monday-Friday, 10am - 5pm).
Details to help identify the product
Supplier running the recall
Who sold the product
Ximi Vogue - Gateway Shopping Centre, Palmerston, NT
Dates available for sale
Where the product was sold
Northern Territory
Responsible regulators
Regulators are established or appointed by government. They enforce regulations and rules.
Quote PRA number 2018/16862 when contacting a regulator about this recall.
Recall and remedy questions
Contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission if you have:
- a question about the remedy being offered to you by the business that is responsible for managing this recall, or
- concerns about the way the business is managing this recall.