Australian Lavender Essentials—Lavender Eye Cream & Lavender Face Moisturiser

PRA number


Published date

Product description

15ml handmade Lavender Eye Cream
100g handmade Lavender Moisturiser
Identifying features
Lavender Eye Cream batch dates: 16/2/13 & 19/5/13 Lavender Face Moisturiser batch date: 29/5/13

Other identifying numbers

Lavender Eye Cream batch dates: 16/2/13 & 19/5/13
Lavender Face Moisturiser batch date: 29/5/13

Reasons the product is recalled

The products have been found to contain an unacceptably high level of microbial activity.

The hazards to consumers

Depending on the organism(s) present or subsequently introduced into inadequately preserved cosmetic products, consumer safety may be placed at risk through serious infection.

What consumers should do

The consumer should discontinue the use of the product and return the product to the manufacturer for a refund.

Traders who sold this product

Australian Lavender Essentials

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category