Big W—Pink Sugar Girls' Beaded Sundress & Pink Sugar Marakesh GG Maxi-Dress

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Pink Sugar Girls' Beaded Sundress - girls' cotton pink sundress with applique and beading on chest area, size 8-16. Retail price: $19.93
Pink Sugar Marakesh GG Maxi-Dress - girls' polyester printed georgette sundress with shirring and front neck beading, size 8-16. Retail price: $27.84
Photos of pink sugar garments
Identifying features
Pink Sugar Girls' Beaded Sundress (keycode 7980602) Pink Sugar Marakesh GG Maxi-Dress (keycode 8077274)

Other identifying numbers

Pink Sugar Girls' Beaded Sundress (keycode 7980602)
Pink Sugar Marakesh GG Maxi-Dress (keycode 8077274)

Reasons the product is recalled

The beading on the dresses have sharp points and edges.

The hazards to consumers

Contact with the beading's sharp points and edges may cause a laceration hazard.

What consumers should do

Customers are asked to immediately take these products away from children and return them to any Big W store for a FULL REFUND.

Traders who sold this product

Big W

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category