Product description
Reveal-fit EVO awnings ordered with an open or closed head-box between 14 September 2012 to 15 November 2012.
See a list of details to help identify the product
Reason the product is recalled
The head-box cover on some EVO Phase II awnings may come loose due to a faulty reveal-fit clip.
The hazards to consumers
The head-box cover may become detached from the awning and fall, potentially injuring bystanders.
What consumers should do
Customers of affected units will be contacted by phone to have the rectifications arranged free of charge. If consumers have any questions, they should contact Hunter Douglas Limited on 02 9638 8000.
Details to help identify the product
Supplier running the recall
Hunter Douglas Limited
Identifying product features
Identifying numbers
Other identifying numbers
Dates available for sale
Where the product was sold
Responsible regulators
Regulators are established or appointed by government. They enforce regulations and rules.
Quote PRA number 2012/13390 when contacting a regulator about this recall.
Recall and remedy questions
Contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission if you have:
- a question about the remedy being offered to you by the business that is responsible for managing this recall, or
- concerns about the way the business is managing this recall.