Fisher & Paykel Australia Pty Ltd—Dishdrawer Dishwasher

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Drawer dishwasher available in single and double drawer versions.
Identifying features
Models beginning with model numbers DS603 and DD603.

Other identifying numbers

Models beginning with model numbers DS603 and DD603.

Reasons the product is recalled

In rare circumstances, foreign matter such as broken glass or crockery may create an internal water leak. This has the potential to conduct a very low electric current to any water remaining in the dishwasher. The consumer may experience a mild electric shock from water remaining in the machine.

The hazards to consumers

The maximum potential hazard is that the consumer may experience a mild electric shock from the water remaining in the dishwasher.

What consumers should do

Consumers should contact Fisher & Paykel Appliances via the dedicated website, phone or email address to register the model number, the serial number and their contact details. If it is the model and serial number affected by this potential problem, Fisher & Paykel will offer the consumer the opportunity to have the problem resolved at no cost. The consumer can continue to use the dishwasher safely in the meantime. If a water leak occurs, an "F2" fault will appear in the display or the machine will beep continuously. The dishwasher should then be switched off at the powerpoint and Fisher & Paykel Appliances should be notified.

Traders who sold this product


Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Recall advertisement

Responsible regulator

Energy Safe (VIC) is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category