G & T—Salty Plums and Kee Wee Brand Preserved Dried Sweet Prunes

PRA number


Published date

Product description

G & T brand Salty plums 75g clear plastic packet. All Use By Dates up to and including 21.12.2004; and Kee Wee brand Preserved Dried Sweet Prunes 50g clear plastic packet. All Use By Dates up to and including 12.12.03. Imported from China.

Reasons the product is recalled

Products contain undeclared food colours that exceed acceptable levels. The consumption of these products may cause asthma, headaches, itching and vomiting in some people.

The hazards to consumers

Allergic Reaction

What consumers should do

Return the products to the place of purchase for a full refund. For further information contact G & T Enterprises on (08) 8927 5205.


G & T Enterprises

Where the product was sold

Northern Territory

Coordinating agency

Food Standards Australia New Zealand is the coordinating agency for this recall.

Product category