Kmart Australia Limited—Homemaker Candles and Homemaker Candle in Round Glass Holder

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Set of 4 Spiral Garden Candle Set – 9300803455788; Set of 3 Striped Candles in Colour Tin -9300803456037; Garden Pole Candle 120cm – 9300803451131; Set of 6 Hen Candles in Assorted Colours – 9300803451360; Garden Pole Candle in Assorted Insect Designs – 9300803451728; Set of 3 Candle Set in Assorted Fruit Slices – 9300803455726; Set of 4 Striped Garden Candle Set – 9300803455719; Set of 3 Colour Candles in Colour Tin – 9300803456044.
Homemaker candle in round glass holder - 9300803456044. Sold in New South Wales, Western Australia and Queensland from March 2008.
Homemaker Candles
Homemaker Candle in Round Glass holder
Identifying features

Other identifying numbers


Reasons the product is recalled

The material used to produce these items may not self extinguish if ignited. The handle of the Homemaker candle in round glass holder may dislodge causing a potential fire hazard.

The hazards to consumers


What consumers should do

Customers should cease using these items immediately and return the candles to their nearest Kmart store for a full refund.


Kmart Australia Limited

Traders who sold this product


Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category