Lion (Australia) Consolidated P/L—9 Metre Snatch Strap 6,500Kg

PRA number


Published date

Product description

9 Metre Vehicle recovery strap (snatch strap) 6,500kg
9 Metre Snatch Strap, 6500kg
Identifying features
Part no. LA400A7 APN 9314458015549

Other identifying numbers

Part no. LA400A7
APN 9314458015549

Reasons the product is recalled

No product information/warning attached to the product.

The hazards to consumers

Risk of improper use.

What consumers should do

Return their strap for labeling to: Lion (Aust) Consolidated P/L
PO Box 510
Croydon Vic. 3136
Ph. 0397616199

Traders who sold this product

Bunnings & Mitre 10

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category