Logitech™—R-20 2.1 Speakers

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Three piece unit consisting of two satellite speakers, one subwoofer and an electrical adaptor. The speakers plug and play on PC's, CD and MP3 players and comes with volume control and headphone jack. The total RMS power is 12 watts RMS with a total peak power of 20 watts. The product retails with a catalogue price of $29. The product was advertised on page 6 of the Australia Post April 'Everyday Options' and June 'World Famous Brands' catalogues and has been in stores since week commencing 22 March 2008.
Logitech™ R-20 2.1 Speakers
Identifying features

Other identifying numbers


Reasons the product is recalled

The speakers may be faulty and there may be a risk of fire when the speakers are in use.

The hazards to consumers


What consumers should do

Any consumer who has purchased the Logitech™ R-20 2.1 Speakers from Australia Post or received the product as a gift should not use the product. Any Logitech™ R-20 2.1 Speakers purchased at an Australia Post retail outlet or received as a gift should be returned to any Australia Post outlet and a full refund will be provided. Further information is available from 13 13 18


Australia Post

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.