Parmalat Australia Ltd—Vaalia My First Yoghurt Apple & Raspberry, Vaalia My First Yoghurt Banana, Vaalia My First Yoghurt Vanilla, Vaalia For Toddlers Vanilla/Strawberry (combo pack) and Vaalia For Toddlers Vanilla/Peach (combo pack)

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Vaalia My First Yoghurt = 360g (6x60g) plastic tubs, over-wrapped in cardboard
Vaalia For Toddlers = 540g (6x90g) plastic tubs, over-wrapped in cardboard
Vaalia My first Vanilla Sleave
Vaalia Toddler Vanilla  Peach Sleeve
Identifying features
All use-by dates from 13/11/10 to 01/01/11 (inclusive)

Other identifying numbers

All use-by dates from 13/11/10 to 01/01/11 (inclusive)

Reasons the product is recalled

Presence (or possible presence) of foreign matter (a small piece of plastic may fall into the product when removing the lid).

The hazards to consumers

Pieces of plastic could fall into the yoghurt tubs when opening the lid and, if ingested, may become lodged in the throat.

What consumers should do

Customers should return the products to the place of purchase for a full cash refund.

For further information please call Parmalat Australia Ltd on 1800 676 961


Parmalat Australia Ltd

Traders who sold this product

Woolworths, Safeway, Coles, Bilo, Metcash (IGA, CCC, ILM), Franklins (NSW only) and Pick’n Pay (QLD only)

Where the product was sold


Coordinating agency

Food Standards Australia New Zealand is the coordinating agency for this recall.

Product category