Philips Electronics Australia Ltd — BiPAP A40 Ventilator

PRA number


Published date

Product description

BiPAP A40 Ventilator

Serial numbers: V2887246677A0, V288724698F57, V28872472285C, V288724777FF1, V28872479968F, V288724808886, V28872485DF2B, V28872492B24C, V28872495C6F3, V288724981D16, V288725010D13, V2887251114CB and V2887251771FD

ARTG 200289
(Philips Electronics Australia Ltd - Positive airway pressure unit, bi-level)

Photograph of Philips BiPAP A40 Ventilator

Reasons the product is recalled

Certain devices were built with motor assemblies that may contain non-conforming plastic material.

The hazards to consumers

 If the non-conforming material is present patients may be exposed to:

1. Chemical exposure due to off-gassing, creating a potential biosafety or toxicological hazard.
2. Sudden failure of the device causing a Ventilator Inoperative condition,  which may result in asphyxia if not immediately identified and addressed by the care provider.

What consumers should do

Philips will replace all the affected devices, users will receive new A40 Pro units.

For more details, see

If you believe your product is affected and you have not received a letter from Philips, please contact Philips Sleep and Respiratory Care by phone on 1800 009 579.

Traders who sold this product

Healthcare facilities in NSW, QLD, SA and WA

Where the product was sold

New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia

Responsible regulator

Therapeutic Goods Administration is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category