Scubapro-Uwatec Australia Pty Ltd—Uwatec Galileo SOL and LUNA Dive Computers

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Dive Computers
Identifying features
Galileo SOL with Tank Pressure Transmitter Part Number # 05.077.200 serial numbers 150422 0058 001 to 150903 0338 005; Galileo LUNA with Tank Pressure Transmitter Part Number # 05.076.200 serial numbers 150423 0202 001 to 150921 0001 005; Galileo LUNA wrist computer only Part Number # 05.076.201 serial numbers 150423 0202 001 to 150921 0001 005

Other identifying numbers

Galileo SOL with Tank Pressure Transmitter Part Number # 05.077.200 serial numbers 150422 0058 001 to 150903 0338 005; Galileo LUNA with Tank Pressure Transmitter Part Number # 05.076.200 serial numbers 150423 0202 001 to 150921 0001 005; Galileo LUNA wrist computer only Part Number # 05.076.201 serial numbers 150423 0202 001 to 150921 0001 005

Reasons the product is recalled

In some circumstances the circuit board may short-circuit causing the screen to freeze.

The hazards to consumers

If the screen freezes while underwater, a diver may be at risk of personal injury or death if appropriate back-up precautions have not been followed.

What consumers should do

Stop using the dive computer immediately and contact your local Scubapro/Uwatec dealer or Scubapro Uwatec Australia Pty Ltd to arrange a replacement product.


Scubapro-Uwatec Australia Pty Ltd

Traders who sold this product

Authorised Scubapro/Uwatec Dealers

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Recall advertisement

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category