SlumberTrek Australia Pty Ltd—Cryofreeze Gel Pack

PRA number


Published date

Product description

15cm x 14cm opaque blue plastic pouch filled with liquid gel. The words "Cryofreeze" and "Ice Pack/Hot Pack" are printed in white letters on the front of the pouch. The Gel Pack is also labelled ‘non-toxic’. The Gel Pack was not separately priced.
BabyInnovations Easy Access Thermal Tote
BabyInnovations Thermal Twin Bottle
BabyInnovations Zip Around Sack
Cryofreeze Gel Pack
Identifying features
The product is a freezer gel pack that was sold with “Baby Innovations” thermal carriers marked with the following model numbers: 93-28610-00-06 Zip Around Sack $9.99 93-28520-09-56 Thermal Twin $9.99 93-28529-00-06 Easy Access Thermal Tote $14.99

Other identifying numbers

The product is a freezer gel pack that was sold with “Baby Innovations” thermal carriers marked with the following model numbers:

93-28610-00-06 Zip Around Sack $9.99
93-28520-09-56 Thermal Twin $9.99
93-28529-00-06 Easy Access Thermal Tote $14.99

Reasons the product is recalled

Gel contents of freezer packs may contain diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol.

The hazards to consumers

If the plastic outer layer of the freezer pack is damaged, the gel may leak out and pose an ingestion hazard for children or adults.

What consumers should do

Consumers should immediately stop using the gel pack and dispose of it according to local waste disposal regulations, or return it for a refund in the form of a gift card or replacement to:

PO Box 205, Surrey Hills, VIC 3127
Contact or 03 9897 0700

A $5 Toys ‘R’ Us gift card will be forwarded by Slumbertrek Australia to consumers returning a gel pack or who can supply photographic evidence of its existence prior to disposal. Please provide full postal details to receive a refund or replacement.


SlumberTrek Australia Pty Ltd

Traders who sold this product

Toys "R" Us stores nationally

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Recall advertisement

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category