Summer Infant, Inc — Babies “R” Us Moulded Plastic Bath Support

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Moulded Plastic Bath Aid
Identifying features


SKN 147365

Reasons the product is recalled

The product warning label is non-compliant with wording as required by the mandatory standard Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) (Baby Bath Aids) Regulations 2005.

The hazards to consumers

If the correct warning label is not present consumers may not be alerted to the drowning hazard.

What consumers should do

Consumers are asked to return the bath aid to a Toys “R” Us or Babies “R” Us store for a full refund.

Further information is available from or by phoning toll free 1300 869 77 87.


Summer Infant, Inc

Traders who sold this product

Toys "R" Us, Babies "R" Us stores and online

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Recall advertisement

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category