Tyco Australia Pty Ltd—F3200 Gas Releasing Panel (Fire Detection)

PRA number


Published date

Product description

The F3200 is a fire alarm control panel that is the controlling component of a fire alarm system. The panel recieves information from environmental sensors designed to detect changes assoicated with fire, monitors their operational integrity and provides for automatic control of equipment, in this case this response can include the operation of a gaseous fire suppression system.
Identifying features
Panels manufactured between April 2007 and September 2009 fitted with controller boards with serial number 9065142 or above and date codes between 'D07' and 'I09'. (The format for the date code is MYY, where M is the letter A-L for month and YY is the last 2 digits of the year.)

Other identifying numbers

Panels manufactured between April 2007 and September 2009 fitted with controller boards with serial number 9065142 or above and date codes between 'D07' and 'I09'. (The format for the date code is MYY, where M is the letter A-L for month and YY is the last 2 digits of the year.)

Reasons the product is recalled

A small number of F3200 panels have an intermittent microprocessor malfunction, including false alarms. The fault has been identified as arising from an unmarked brand of 68 pin controller board socket that is a component of the panel.

The hazards to consumers

The panel may fail to detect a fire, may falsely detect a fire, or have a number of other malfunctions.

What consumers should do

Owners of premises that have installed a F3200 panel, which was manufactured between April 2007 and September 2009 and is fitted with the affected range of controller boards, should contact Tyco Safety Products on (03) 9538 7220 to arrange replacement of the potentially defective component. Tyco is writing directly to all customers to inform them of the fault as well as supplying the attached Product Bulletin to all purchasers of the panel.

Traders who sold this product

Tyco Australia Pty Ltd

Where the product was sold


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category