Draft voluntary standard on flotation aids for water familiarisation and swimming tuition – open for public consultation


On 20 June 2013, Standards Australia published for public comment a draft revision of the Australian Standard 1900-2002 Flotation aids for water familiarisation and swimming tuition.

You may be aware that there is currently a mandatory standard for swimming and flotation aids for children. This mandatory standard came into effect on 1 April 2010. The ACCC will be commencing a review of this mandatory standard in the coming months and will be taking into account the revised voluntary Australian Standard.

For this reason, the ACCC is encouraging all relevant stakeholders including industry representatives and consumer groups to review and, if relevant, comment on Standards Australia’s proposal. A number of changes have been included in the revised voluntary standard, including in relation to the strength of sewed seams and the fastener security.

To access the draft revision, visit the Public Commenting section of Standards Australia's website and scroll down to download the document DR AS/NZS 1900 Flotation aids for water familiarisation and swimming tuition.

To comment on the proposal, please submit your feedback directly to Standards Australia.

You will need to register as a new public user to access the draft.

Comments are due online to Standards Australia by 22 August 2013.

Please do not send comments to the ACCC or via the Product Safety Australia website.

For more information or help with submitting comments, please contact Standards Australia directly.

Contact details

Standards Australia Customer Information Service

Phone: 1800 035 822

Email: mail@standards.org.au

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