Lenovo Pty Limited—Lenovo ThinkCentre M90z all-in-one computer

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Power supply inside the Lenovo ThinkCentre M90z all-in-one computer
Lenovo Computer
Identifying features
Model Number M90z. Computers with potentially affected power supplies can be identified by the machine type and serial number located on the bottom of the computer.

Other identifying numbers

Model Number M90z. Computers with potentially affected power supplies can be identified by the machine type and serial number located on the bottom of the computer.

Reasons the product is recalled

Some metalized capacitors inside the power supplies may be defective, leading to possible overheating and smoke.

The hazards to consumers

There is a potential fire hazard as a result of overheating of the product.

What consumers should do

Customers should immediately stop using the affected system and unplug it from the power outlet. Consumers with a potentially affected computer should visit http://www.lenovo.com/aiopsurecall or call the Lenovo Support Centre on 131426 noting the serial numbers on the back of their machines and check if the machines are affected. If so, customers should contact the Lenovo Support Centre on 131426 to organise for a replacement of their power supply by Lenovo’s technicians. The technicians will remove the old power supply.

Traders who sold this product

Lenovo (Australia & New Zealand) Pty Limited, its distributors and resellers (including store fronts)

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category