Mighty Ape Australia Pty Ltd — RoyalBaby Children's Bicycles

PRA number


Published date

Product description

RoyalBaby Children's Bicycles:

BMX Freestyle - 18 inch (blue, green, orange, pink and red)
BMX Freestyle - 20 inch (blue, orange and red)
Bull Dozer - 18 inch (black and yellow)
Jenny G-4 - 18 inch (white)
Jenny G-4 - 20 inch (white)
Mermaid G-3 - 18 inch (pink)
Space No.1 RB-17 - 18 inch (black and orange)


Multiple models


Multiple brands
Photograph of RoyalBaby BMX Freestyle Bicycle
Photograph of RoyalBaby Mermaid G-3 Bicycle
Photograph of RoyalBaby Space No.1 RB-17 Bicycle
Photograph of RoyalBaby Jenny G-4 Bicycle
Photograph of RoyalBaby Bull Dozer Bicycle
Identifying features

Other identifying numbers

RB18B-6, RB18-23, RB18G-4, RB18G-3, RB18-17, RB20B-6, RB20G-4

Reasons the product is recalled

The products do not comply with the requirements of the mandatory standard 'Trade Practices Act 1974 - Consumer Protection Notice No.6 of 2004 - Consumer Product Safety Standard: Pedal Bicycles: Safety Requirements.'

The bicycles may have the handlebar brakes installed on the incorrect sides. The bicycles are not marked with a New Zealand or Australian importer address. The bicycles' wheel reflectors are not the correct colour.

The hazards to consumers

There is an increased risk of an injury to the rider.

What consumers should do

Mighty Ape Australia will contact consumers via email to arrange for a repair kit for the reflectors and importer details to be sent out.
Consumers should check the arrangement of the handlebar brakes. The front brake should be on the right side and the back brake on the left side. If the brakes are the wrong way around, Mighty Ape will arrange for a qualified technician to repair the bicycle, free of charge.

For more information or to arrange for repair, consumers can contact Mighty Ape Australia by email at orders@mightyape.com.au, via the website contact form or web chat, or via Facebook or Instagram.

Traders who sold this product

Sold by Mighty Ape through online sales platforms, including:
Mighty Ape Australia

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category