Pentair Water Australia Ltd—Onga VF150 Submersible Pump

PRA number


Published date

Product description

The Onga VF150 Submersible Pump has been sold throughout Australia and New Zealand via the Onga Dealer Network
New Sump Pump
Identifying features
Serial numbers 12-08 C00001 (built Dec 2008) to 06-09 C99999 (built June 2009). The serial number is located on the side of the pump body on the rating label. This product was sold by Pentair Water between January and August 2009.

Other identifying numbers

Serial numbers 12-08 C00001 (built Dec 2008) to 06-09 C99999 (built June 2009). The serial number is located on the side of the pump body on the rating label. This product was sold by Pentair Water between January and August 2009.

Reasons the product is recalled

A potential fault exists in the stainless steel motor housing/casing material that may split allowing water to enter the motor windings. This has the potential to cause an electric shock to the operator.

The hazards to consumers

Electric shock

What consumers should do

Cease operation of the pump and isolate it from electrical power. Please return the pump to the place of purchase for a replacement. Call the recall hotline 1800 881 173 between 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday to locate your nearest Onga Dealer or speak to a Pentair Water representative.

Traders who sold this product

Migrated data too large, see un-migrated data field.

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Recall advertisements and supporting documentation

Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category