
751 results, showing 341 to 350
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is reminding parents and carers about the risks of button batteries. Kidsafe Queensland is today launching its inaugural “Summer’s Day” to remember the children who die each year from unintentional, preventable injuries.
The Queensland Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is urging parents to be aware of hidden dangers in common household items that can cause unintentional injury or death.
An investigation into the asbestos risk of ‘fire wallets’ sold by an eBay trader and at a stall at last year’s Royal Melbourne Show has found handling the items poses a negligible health risk.
New South Wales Fair Trading will begin compliance checks on retailers of portable swimming pools across the state next week, in the lead up to new national safety laws coming into effect on 30 March.
The ACCC is inviting Australians aged 18 and over who have recreational quad biking experience to participate in a 10-minute survey. The responses will help develop a consumer video on quad bike safety.
The Queensland Office of Fair Trading is reminding Queenslanders about the dangers of blind and curtain cords after the tragic deaths of two New South Wales toddlers in the last fortnight.
With Queensland in the midst of a hot summer, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is warning consumers about the dangers portable and inflatable pools pose to young children.
Four different types of trolley jacks have been recalled after ACCC surveillance identified a number of products which did not meet the requirements of the mandatory safety standard.
Acting South Australian Minister for Business Services and Consumers Jack Snelling today announced a compulsory national recall of a faulty diving vest - the Saekodive Buoyancy Compensator, otherwise known as Saekodive BC.