
8 results, showing 1 to 8
01 Jun 2014 … of the dangers coin-sized lithium button batteries pose to young children. Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe is reminding parents of the dangers coin-sized lithium button batteries pose to young children. New statistics … lithium batteries is out of the reach of little hands.” Once swallowed, the batteries can lodge…
18 Jun 2014 …News 18 Jun 2014 The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is continuing to work with industry to reduce the risk of serious injuries and deaths of children swallowing coin-sized lithium button … the risk of serious injuries and deaths of children swallowing coin-sized lithium button batteries…
18 Nov 2014 … blockages. Some small items, such as lithium button batteries and magnets , can cause serious internal…
19 Dec 2014 …You can use the checklist after Christmas to help make sure your gifts and any toys for kids are safe. If you have small children, make sure you keep button batteries (small, coin-sized lithium batteries) and any devices that use them out of reach – and dispose of used batteries immediately and safely.  …
17 Jun 2014 … batteries, while quite small, are made of lithium and if the battery becomes stuck in a child’s throat…
01 Jul 2014 … at . Make sure any battery compartments are secure – lithium ‘button’ batteries especially can cause…
28 Feb 2014 … warnings on the packaging of lithium coin cell batteries which highlight the danger if these batteries…
26 Feb 2014 …. "Lithium button batteries are used in many toys and household electrical items such as remote controls…