On this page
Sleep bub safe – campaign overview
This campaign aims to raise awareness of ways to keep bub safer in the many environments that bub may be placed to sleep in. All babies need support as they grow and develop.
We've developed a range of digital assets, and we’re working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and child health and safety advocates to help share this important safety message in the community. You can find and download campaign assets under the campaign assets section on this page. We have a range of different formats to choose from, so you can use options that work best for your organisation's communication channels.
Organisations can also help share this important message by sharing any of the digital assets below or liking, commenting, and sharing our social media posts on your organisation’s social media channels.
Families and community are also very welcome to share these assets to help spread the important message on safe sleep.
Video transcript
( DOCX 61.77 KB )
Sleep bub safe - video download
( ZIP 20.96 MB )
Sleep bub safe – key messages
The campaign and the digital assets focus on 4 key messages:
- Put bub to sleep in their own space, on a firm, flat, and level surface.
- Keep bub’s sleep space clear and their head and face uncovered.
- Watch bub if they’re in a bouncer, swing or rocker. These are just for play, not for sleep, as they can make bub drop their chin to their chest and block their airway. Take them out if they fall asleep.
- Sleep bub safe when they’re out and about. If they fall asleep, check on them regularly and lie them flat as soon as you can.
You’re welcome to use these key messages in any content published alongside our digital assets.
Sleep bub safe – campaign assets
Video transcript
( DOCX 61.77 KB )
Sleep bub safe - video download
( ZIP 20.96 MB )
Video cut downs
Sleep bub safe - cut down collection ( ZIP 9.69 MB )
( DOCX 60.97 KB )
Sleep bub safe - cut down 1
( ZIP 3.9 MB )
( DOCX 60.95 KB )
Sleep bub safe - cut down 2
( ZIP 3.34 MB )
( DOCX 61.03 KB )
Sleep bub safe - cut down 3
( ZIP 2.45 MB )

Download our Sleep bub safe product safety campaign poster ( PDF 569.84 KB )
Social media tiles
Social media tiles - square
( ZIP 3.4 MB )
Social media tiles - rectangle
( ZIP 4.29 MB )