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The information and publications available on our website are broad guides to aspects of legislation and the work of the ACCC. These documents are solely intended to provide a general understanding of the subject matter and to help you assess whether you need more detailed information.

They are not and should not be regarded as legal advice. You should seek your own legal advice where appropriate.

Every effort is made to make sure information and publications are accurate and up to date. However, we do not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the information provided.

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  • material where it is expressly stated otherwise.

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Attribution of ACCC as source

Information obtained from this website and in which the ACCC owns the copyright (that is, generally where no third party has been identified as the source of the material) (ACCC copyright material) must be attributed to the ACCC as:

Source: ACCC © Commonwealth of Australia

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Source: Based on ACCC data or other content

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If you wish to republish or otherwise use the information on this website, please check the information for currency and accuracy with us before publication. This should be done before each publication edition, as ACCC guidance and relevant legislation frequently changes.

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Contact details

Requests and enquiries about content re-use should be directed to the:

Director, Strategic Communications
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
GPO Box 3131

Email: stratcomms@accc.gov.au

See also


Disclaimer and copyright

Short form privacy policy