On 17 June 2013, Standards Australia published for public comment a draft revision of the Australian Standard 1249 Children’s nightwear and limited daywear having reduced fire hazard.

Children’s nightwear is subject to a mandatory standard that excludes some materials and some designs and requires warning labels on the nightwear to indicate the degree of risk.  The requirements in the regulation closely follow those of the voluntary standard which has been revised and for which public comment is requested.

The ACCC is encouraging all relevant stakeholders including industry representatives and consumer groups to review and, if relevant, comment on Standards Australia’s proposal. A substantial amount of research work has permitted the standards committee to suggest significant changes to the testing of garments and to the labels

To get a copy of the draft and to make comments, visit the Public Commenting section of Standards Australia's website and scroll down.  To make comments registration on the standards web site is required.

Please submit your feedback directly to Standards Australia. Comments are due by 19 August 2013.
Please do not send comments to the ACCC or via the Product Safety Australia website.

For more information or help with submitting comments, please contact Standards Australia directly.

Contact details

Standards Australia Customer Information Service

Phone: 1800 035 822

Email: mail@standards.org.au