Brown fashion sunglasses supplied as a free gift with the February edition of Marie Claire magazine are being voluntarily recalled by Pacific Magazines Pty Ltd, Marie Claire's publisher.

The sunglass giveaways complemented the magazine's 'Sunsmart' campaign and were available in black or brown frames.

Testing commissioned by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and those provided by Marie Claire on the performance characteristics of the brown sunglasses indicated that some of the brown framed glasses did not comply with the mandatory consumer safety standard for sunglasses and fashion spectacles.

The Trade Practices Act 1974 prohibits a corporation from supplying goods that do not comply with prescribed product safety standards.

Some of the brown sunglasses failed the spectral transmittance and lens matching requirements of the mandatory standard. This means that some wearers may fail to recognise certain colours and may misjudge the depth of moving objects. It is important that these glasses are not worn whilst driving.

"Highlighting Sunsmart behaviour is important and this recall does not seek to diminish the importance of the message Marie Claire was delivering," ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said today. "However, all suppliers who have a hand in delivering sunglasses to consumers must ensure compliance with the mandatory standard."

Pacific Magazines quickly responded to the ACCC's concerns by voluntarily recalling the brown sunglasses and will offer consumers in the April edition of Marie Claire the option of returning the brown sunglasses for a replacement pair of black sunglasses. Details of the recall can be found on the Marie Claire website.

Consistent with their cooperation, Marie Claire has also indicated it will publish an article in a future edition dealing with the importance of sunglass safety and will review its compliance processes.

Contact details

Media inquiries

Mr Graeme Samuel, Chairman, 0408 335 555
Ms Lin Enright, Media, (02) 6243 1108 or 0414 613 520

Release # MR 040/08

General inquiries

Infocentre 1300 302 502