NSW Fair Trading is warning consumers to stay away from potentially lethal fake tongue studs.

Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe said the studs could be inhaled and lodge in the lungs or airways, or be swallowed and potentially perforate bodily organs.

“There are two types of tongue studs that are banned in Australia – a single bead without holes which is vacuum sealed to the tongue and a magnetic stud in which two beads are held in place by magnetic force,” said Mr Stowe.

“There is strong concern that consumers could be harmed by these small devices and we are strongly urging people not to purchase or use these.

“These studs were recently found by NSW Fair Trading at the Newcastle show and removed from sale.

“As part of normal compliance activities NSW Fair Trading will inspect the Camden Show and the Sydney Royal Easter Show to ensure these products are not available for sale.

“Fair Trading works hard to ensure products are safe for consumers. In last financial year there were over 12,000 marketplace inspections carried out, leading to 410 prosecutions.”

Mr Stowe added that a permanent ban has been in place for these items since 2010 for the single vacuum bead and 2012 for the magnetic two-piece stud.

“If consumers see any of these tongue stud products for sale we encourage them to contact Fair Trading on 13 32 20,” he said.

More information on the banned items is at www.productsafety.gov.au.

Assorted Wild Wear tongue studs Illusion Tongue Ball tongue stud
Above: Assorted Wild Wear tongue studs Above: Illusion Tongue Ball tongue stud
Glows in the dark tongue stud Magnetic plug tongue stud
Above: Glows in the dark tongue stud Above: Magnetic plug tongue stud

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