Help us understand how we can build a better digital experience for the ACCC Product Safety website.
Take part in our online survey to help us understand how information on the ACCC Product Safety website should be organised, to help you find the information you need around product safety with ease.
We are looking for a mix of consumers, businesses, and agencies that are involved in consumer product safety.
How to access the survey
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. By completing the survey, you will go in the draw to win a $150 gift card.
You can access the survey. The survey will close at 11.59 pm AEST Friday 3 June 2022 (opens by 9am AEST Monday 30 May).
Your privacy is very important to us. The information you provide in this survey will remain confidential. It will not be used or shared for any reason that you haven’t agreed to.
See also
The research is being conducted by Today, a design company for people and planet in partnership with the ACCC team.