The draft Information Standard, as issued for comment on 26 October 2011, responds to some of the comments made in submissions to the Proposed Tobacco Labelling (Graphic Health Warnings) Mandatory Standard consultation paper.
One of the issues raised by a number of stakeholders related to timelines for implementation. The Government's intention is for the graphic health warnings to be implemented in parallel with the plain packaging of tobacco products. The Government is considering implementation timeframes for these measures.
For further information on the Government's consideration of this issue, please view the media release from the Minister for Health and Ageing. Please also see the additional media release issued by the Minister on 2 November 2011.
Other issues raised in response to the consultation paper will continue to be considered as the Information Standard is further developed. Interested parties who provided a submission to the consultation paper only need to provide comments on the draft Information Standard if they wish to update their previous submission.
Comments on the draft Information Standard are due by 8 November 2011. The Government is aiming to finalise the standard by the end of December 2011.
Contact details
All submissions should be sent to the ACCC either by email to: or by post to: General Manager, Product Safety Branch, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, GPO Box 3131, Canberra ACT 2601.
Attached documents
Tobacco Labelling (Graphic Health Warnings) Consultation Paper - second round ( PDF 779.62 KB )