Fulltext search (required) Published date (required) accc_published_date Topics Date range From (required) To (required) Set date range Quick selection This year to dateLast 12 monthsLast yearLast 5 years Baby and toddler products 56 Chemicals and poisons 63 Clothing and fashion accessories 42 Compulsory recall 29 Cosmetic and health products 52 Electronics and technology 46 Food and grocery packaging 3 Gas products and appliances 19 General product safety 96 Home and garden 207 Industry, tools and machinery 35 Kids' toys 141 Sports and recreation 56 Vehicle accessories (registered) 71 Vehicles (unregistered or off-road) 47 Pin topics filter Clear all Gas products and appliances 1 - 19 of 19 items shown Sort by (required) RelevanceDate News 02 Jul 2021 A new home for road vehicle recalls As of 1 July 2021, road vehicle recalls are published by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (the department) on the Vehicle Recalls website. News 04 Dec 2020 Caravan and motorhome owners urged to check for deadly faulty water heaters before the holidays Consumers are urged to check their caravans and recreational vehicles (RVs) for dangerous Suburban-branded water heaters which may emit deadly carbon monoxide. News 04 Feb 2019 Vic: safety alert on four open-flued gas heaters Energy Safe Victoria has raised Safety Alerts on four open-flued gas log space heaters. News 03 Apr 2018 Vic: Program in place to address CO risk in Heritage gas heaters Energy Safe Victoria is urging Victorians with either a Vulcan Heritage or a Pyrox Heritage gas heater in their home not to use them until they are tested by a qualified gasfitter. News 16 May 2016 NSW: Winter is Coming- Heater Carbon Monoxide Can Kill- Safety Warnings New South Wales Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe said consumers should consider several cold weather safety warnings as temperatures start to drop with the onset of autumn and pay heed to recent heater recalls of dual burner butane stoves. News 21 Feb 2016 QLD: Safety warning – get rid of the lunchbox gas cookers Potentially lethal “lunchbox” gas cookers are at the centre of a new safety warning after explosions put four Queenslanders in hospital last week. News 30 Nov 2015 NSW: Stay Safe This Summer New South Wales Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe is urging families to be vigilant in the coming months about the dangers presented by pools, barbecues, gas cookers and inadequately maintained balconies and decks. News 21 Jul 2015 Carbon monoxide safety Carbon monoxide is a toxic, colourless and odourless gas that can come out of many commonly used items. It can cause long-term health effects such as heart disease and brain damage and is often deadly. Learn about the hazards and some tips on how to help avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. News 01 Apr 2015 Don't use a dangerous gas cooker this Easter The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is warning consumers that six models of ‘lunchbox’ gas cookers have defective over-pressure valves that pose a risk of explosion and injury. News 25 Mar 2015 Safety warning on portable butane 'lunchbox' cookers With the Easter holidays approaching the ACCC is reminding consumers that State gas regulators have stopped the sale of many portable butane gas 'lunchbox' cookers as they fail some safety requirements of the relevant gas appliance standard. If you own one of these cookers, please stop using it immediately. News 20 Mar 2015 WA: Public warning on portable butane 'lunchbox' cookers EnergySafety and Consumer Protection have issued a joint public warning to consumers not to buy or use portable butane ‘lunchbox’ type cookers due to safety concerns. News 12 Mar 2015 NSW: Reminder on dangers of portable butane cookers New South Wales Fair Trading is reminding consumers to be aware of the dangers of using portable butane gas cookers, following a public warning issued last week. News 04 Mar 2015 NSW: Public warning on portable butane ‘lunchbox’ cookers New South Wales Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe is warning consumers not to buy portable butane ‘lunchbox’ type cookers due to safety issues, including overheating. News 24 Oct 2014 NSW bans the sale of non-compliant (outdoor) gas heaters New South Wales Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe announced a ban on the sale of certain models of area (outdoor) gas heaters due to non-compliance with the Australian Standard. News 11 Jun 2014 NSW: Warning on dangerous gas cabinet heaters Following a fire at a Rose Bay unit last night, New South Wales Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe and Fire & Rescue NSW Commissioner Greg Mullins today reissued a warning on dangerous gas cabinet heaters. News 19 Jul 2013 NSW: Port Macquarie home destroyed by gas cabinet heater fire New South Wales Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe today re-issued a warning on dangerous gas cabinet heaters and encouraged consumers to watch a new YouTube video on the dangers of the unapproved products. News 24 Jun 2013 NSW: Dangerous gas cabinet heaters still being sold New South Wales Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe today issued a warning on a dangerous gas cabinet heater that has been the subject of repeated warnings from Fair Trading and that caused a devastating fire in East Gosford last year. News 24 Jan 2013 NSW: Australia Day warning on BBQs and small gas cookers In the lead up to Australia Day, NSW Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe is urging the community to stay safe this Australia Day by carefully reading instructions when using small gas cookers, commonly known as lunchbox cookers. News 26 Aug 2011 Gas heater safety warning NSW Fair Trading Minister Anthony Roberts is warning the public about the risks associated with gas heaters, including gas hot water heaters, used in enclosed or confined areas. Full pager with select page option (required) Page 1 of 1 Items per page (required) 25 items per page50 items per page100 items per page