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Risks and injuries from the product

Sky lanterns have the potential to start fires.

They can also cause serious burns to users and others.

Products the ban applies to

Sky lanterns are small balloons that fill with hot air. An open flame is used to heat the air inside the lantern, enabling it to lift into the sky.

Sky lanterns can also be called floating lanterns or flying lanterns.

View the full details of this ban at Consumer Protection Notice No. 17 of 2011.

Next steps if a banned product is being sold

If you are supplying the product

If you become aware that you are supplying a banned or unsafe product, you must:

  1. immediately stop supplying the product
  2. conduct a product recall and let consumers know
  3. notify the ACCC within 2 days of taking recall action.

If you find the product for sale

If you’re aware of any banned or unsafe products being supplied in Australia, you can report the unsafe product to the ACCC.

Report an unsafe product

Penalties for supplying banned products

Supplying a banned product can result in the ACCC taking action. This may result in a:

  • fine
  • court enforceable undertaking
  • disqualification from being a company director
  • court action with penalties
  • product recall.