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Products the mandatory standard applies to
Baby bath aids help support a baby in the bath so that an adult’s hand may be free to bath the baby. Baby bath aids are usually used in adult-sized baths.
Designs vary and may come with, baby bathtubs or be freestanding. Baby bath aids may also be clipped on or inserted into a baby bath. There are also baby bath chairs for use in the shower.
Baby bath aid designs include:
- bath seats
- cradles
- hammocks
- recliners
- supports
- flotation rings
- baby bathtub accessories.
Complying with the mandatory standard
The mandatory standard requires baby bath aids, and their packaging, to have a safety warning statement. The statement must be visible and easy to read.
This information is an overview of how to comply with the mandatory standard. Suppliers must not rely on this information as a complete guide to compliance.
View the full detail of the mandatory standard.
Safety warning statement on product
Baby bath aids must be permanently marked with a warning statement using the following words.
WARNING — Children have DROWNED while using bath aids. This is NOT a safety device. ALWAYS keep baby within arm’s reach. NEVER leave baby in care of children.
In addition, 2 safety alert symbols must be located immediately to the left and right of the words of the warning notice.

This image is an example of the safety warning statement. The safety warning statement must comply with the requirements of the mandatory standard.
The warning statement must be:
- fixed permanently onto the baby bath aid
- on the baby bath aid’s packaging, or visible on the product through the packaging
- located on the baby bath aid in an obvious place
- in a contrasting colour to its background and its packaging so that it’s easy to read.
The warning statement must be permanent. It should remain readable for the life of the product and must not run, fade, or be removable.
Safety warning statement on packaging
A safety warning statement on the product packaging is not required if the warning statement on the baby bath aid is clearly readable through the packaging, and the packaging is colourless and transparent.
Mandatory standard details
The Consumer Goods (Baby Bath Aids) Safety Standard 2017 sets out the mandatory requirements for baby bath aids.
The accompanying Explanatory Statement has further information.
The mandatory standard is based on certain sections of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) voluntary standard ASTM F1967‑13 Consumer Safety Specification for Infant Bath Seats.
You can buy ASTM F1967-13 from Intertek Inform, Accuris and ASTM.
We can make a copy of this standard available for viewing at an ACCC office, subject to licensing conditions.
When a product does not comply
Fines and penalties may apply for failure to comply with a mandatory safety or information standard. For more information, see fines and penalties.
Suppliers may need to recall a product when it doesn't meet the mandatory standard or is potentially unsafe.