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The investigation process
1. Taskforce formed
In 2017, the ACCC formed a taskforce to investigate and determine whether to recommend that a mandatory safety standard for quad bikes be made, under the Australian Consumer Law.
2. Issues paper released
On 13 November 2017, the ACCC released an issues paper for comment. The consultation closed on 15 December 2017.
Quad bike safety - Issues paper ( PDF 702.91 KB )
See public submissions to the quad bike safety issues paper.
3. Consultation regulation impact statement released
On 22 March 2018, the ACCC released a consultation regulation impact statement for comment. The consultation closed on 4 May 2018.
Quad bike safety - Consultation regulation impact statement ( PDF 1.9 MB )
See public submissions to the quad bike safety regulation impact statement.
4. Exposure draft of the safety standard released
On 1 March 2019, the ACCC made a recommendation to the then Assistant Treasurer to make a mandatory safety standard under the Australian Consumer Law.
Quad bike safety - Final recommendation to the Minister ( PDF 3.22 MB )
On 6 April 2019, an exposure draft of the safety standard was released for comment. Consultation closed on 10 June 2019.
Quad bike safety - Exposure draft ( PDF 576.43 KB )
5. World Trade Organization notified
On 17 July 2019, the ACCC notified the World Trade Organization, under the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, of the draft safety standard.
No comments were received by member nations. One submission was received from an industry stakeholder.
World Trade Organization AUS111 ( PDF 78.8 KB )
6. Mandatory safety standard announced
On 10 October 2019, the Assistant Treasurer announced the mandatory standard Consumer Goods (Quad Bikes) Safety Standard 2019 under the Australian Consumer Law.
See ACCC welcomes new quad bike safety standard for more information.
An explanatory statement includes a regulation impact statement, which consists of the ACCC’s final recommendation (February 2019) and an addendum on the exposure draft and World Trade Organization notification.
Quad bike safety - Final recommendation with addendum ( PDF 6.07 MB )
Other measures to improve quad bike safety
The ACCC is a member of an inter-departmental committee (IDC), which is focused on the safety of quad bikes. This committee is led by the Attorney-General’s Department.
The committee will continue to progress complementary measures to improve quad bike safety.
These may include:
measures to increase the use of helmets and other personal protection equipment
- prohibiting children from riding adult quad bikes
- prohibiting passengers on single seat quad bikes
- extension of current quad bike safety rebates
- education and training.
While these measures can't be progressed under the Australian Consumer Law, we consider these measures important to reduce deaths and serious injuries from quad bikes.