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Products the mandatory standard applies to
The mandatory standard for treadmills applies to exercise equipment that consists of a conveyor belt rotated either manually or by a motor. The user will normally walk, jog or run on this device.
The mandatory standard sets out labelling requirements for treadmills.
Complying with the mandatory standard
This information is an overview of how to comply with the mandatory standard. Suppliers must not rely on this information as a complete guide to compliance.
View the full detail of the mandatory standard.
Safety markings
Treadmills must display a permanent warning label in an obvious location that is visible to the user of the treadmill when it is in use.
The warning label must have the following specific wording:
WARNING: keep young children away from this machine at all times. Contact with the moving surface may result in severe friction burns.
This warning label must be separate from any other warning or label on the treadmill.
This image is an example of the safety warning statement.
The safety warning statement must comply with the requirements of the mandatory standard
Mandatory standard details
The Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) (Treadmills) Regulations 2009 sets out the mandatory requirements for treadmills. The accompanying Explanatory Statement has further information.
When a product does not comply
Fines and penalties may apply for failure to comply with a mandatory safety or information standard. For more information, see fines and penalties.
Suppliers may need to recall a product when it doesn't meet the mandatory standard or is potentially unsafe.