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About blinds, curtains and window fittings
Blinds and curtains are corded internal window coverings used inside a home. Traverse rods or tracks are window fittings used to hang curtains.
Blinds, curtains and other window coverings are often opened and closed with long cords.
Risks and injuries from the product
Young children have died in Australian homes from accidents with corded blinds and curtains.
Blind and curtain cords can be a strangling risk to children. Loose cords from blinds or curtains can be very dangerous to young children. The cords can tangle or loop around a child’s neck.
Even with raised coverings, children can climb onto window sills or furniture and access cords.
Cords can also strangle young children sleeping or playing in cots placed near windows where cords are within reach or hanging into cots.
Young children often like to climb onto furniture to look out the window. If they can reach the cords, they may become caught in them, lose their footing and be strangled or injured.
Accidental strangling can happen very quickly. Never leave children alone in a room with unsecured blind or curtain cords, even for a short while.
Things to look for when buying the product
Some young children have been strangled when playing near, or trying to use blinds and curtains. For this reason, there’s a mandatory standard that suppliers and retailers must comply with.
Only buy and install blinds, curtains and window fittings that comply with the blinds, curtains and window fittings mandatory standard.
While the mandatory standard covers domestic dwellings, it doesn't apply to the installation of corded internal window coverings in caravans, mobile homes or boats.
Design and construction
- Choose blinds and curtains with safe design features.
- Consider blinds that operate without exposed cords.
Marks and labels
- The blind, curtain or window fitting has warning labels.
- Requirements of the standard are met when installing a corded internal window covering in a domestic dwelling, other than caravans, mobile homes, and boats.
- Secure any loose or looped cords. Don’t leave them hanging down where children can reach.
- If possible, remove any looped cords by cutting the cord and installing tassels.
- When it's not possible to remove the looped cords, secure them to keep out of children's reach. Some blinds can’t operate properly without looped cords. You can secure them with either tie-downs (cleats) or tension devices that enclose cords and chain loops.
- Always fix tie-downs and tension devices to the wall or window frame to prevent a child from removing them.

How to use the product safely
- Buy tie-downs and tension devices from hardware or window furnishing stores.
- Don’t put children’s cots, beds, highchairs or playpens near a window where children can reach the blind or curtain cords.
- Don’t place sofas, chairs, tables, shelves or bookcases near windows with corded blinds or curtains.
- Check all window furnishings and place all cords out of children’s reach.
If you live in a rental property, get help from your landlord or agent to make sure cords and chains are out of reach.