The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is reviewing the mandatory safety standard for household cots. The attached consultation paper identifies issues for consideration and specifies preferred options for revising the mandatory standard, based on the latest version of the Australian standard, AS/NZS 2172:2013.
Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the consultation paper by close of business 15 September 2014.
Contact details
Submissions can be made:
- Via the ACCC Consultation Hub
- By email to
- By mail to:
Regulated Products and Compliance
Product Safety Branch
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
GPO Box 520
Melbourne VIC 3001
Attached documents
Review - Consumer product safety standard for household cots 1 August 2014 ( DOCX 236.66 KB )
Review - Consumer product safety standard for household cots 1 August 2014 ( PDF 321.32 KB )