
14 results, showing 1 to 10
Before heading away for Easter holidays consumers are being encouraged to hop-to-it and return or discard any products that may have been recalled or deemed unsafe.
Following legal proceedings filed by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in the Federal Court, Online Dealz Pty Ltd (Online Dealz) and its director and sole shareholder Janet Lucas have provided undertakings to the Court to refrain from supplying baby cots and strollers which the ACCC alleges do not comply with mandatory safety standards pending further orders.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is urging the community to get a licensed electrician to check if degrading Infinity electrical cables are installed in their homes or businesses, as recent progress reports show that only 179 premises have so far been rectified and approximately 5 per cent of the supplied cable remediated.
With the Easter holidays approaching the ACCC is reminding consumers that State gas regulators have stopped the sale of many portable butane gas 'lunchbox' cookers as they fail some safety requirements of the relevant gas appliance standard. If you own one of these cookers, please stop using it immediately.
Laundry capsules (also known as laundry pods) can be dangerous for your child if left within his or her reach. See this alert for tips on storing and handling these products safely.