PRA number
Published date
Product description
HGN4-25DC DC isolator 25A. There is no brand name on the isolator.
Installed in central Queensland, in and around Rockhampton.
Installed in central Queensland, in and around Rockhampton.
Reasons the product is recalled
Internal fault may cause isolators to fail, creating excessive heat.
The hazards to consumers
If the isolator switch overheats it may pose a risk of fire or electrocution.
What consumers should do
The Power Saving Centre is no longer trading. We urge consumers to arrange for a qualified installer to replace these DC isolators as soon as possible.
Consumers should turn off their solar system where possible until they have the isolators replaced.
Consumers should turn off their solar system where possible until they have the isolators replaced.
Ross Property Investments (Aust) Pty Ltd T/A Power Saving Centre
Where the product was sold
Dates available for sale
Responsible regulator
Electrical Safety Office (QLD) is the responsible regulator for this recall.