Steven Brake Pads — Super B Auto Brake Pads formula number M7260

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Super B auto brake pads for use in cars

Recalled brakes can be identified by formula number M7260 on the rear of the brake pad and on the packaging.

Photograph of the Brake pad (rear) highlighting where to find part number
Brake pad packaging label highlighting where to find part number
photograph of end of package of M7260 formula brake pads
Identifying features

The brake pads with formula number M7260 contain asbestos. See example of attached photographs to help identify affected brake pads.

Other identifying numbers


Reasons the product is recalled

The brake pads with formula number M7260 contain asbestos.

There is a risk of exposure to asbestos fibres when removing or maintaining the brake pads.

The only affected formula number is M7260, any other formula number different to this, does not contain asbestos.

The hazards to consumers

Exposure to airborne asbestos fibres can cause asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.

What consumers should do

Consumers should contact the workshop they purchased the brake pads from to arrange to remove and replace affected brake pads.

Consumers should not remove or perform any maintenance on these brake pads.
For more information, affected consumers can contact Steven Brake Pads by e-mail on or by phone on 0403550679.


Steven Brake Pads

Traders who sold this product

Various auto workshops. See trader list for more information.

List of traders who sold this product

Where the product was sold

New South Wales

Dates available for sale


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category