Product description
Item Code WB00-00 Item Description Bindeez Refill Pack S1. WB07-80 Bindeez Refill Pack S2 - Primary Coloours. WB00-10 Bindeez Themed Refill Pack S1. WB11-10 Bindeez Themed Refill Pack S2. WB03-90 Bindeez Ultimate Bead Pack SML S1. WB02-70 Bindeez Ultimate Bead Pack LGE S1. WB03-00 Bindeez Portable Pack. WB02-40 Bindeez Container Pack. WB00-20 Bindeez Starter Pack. WB09-70 Bindeez Starter Pack - Princess - Pink. WB05-40 Bindeez Starter Pack - Glow in the Dark. WB00-30 Bindeez Activity Pack. WB03-20 Bindeez Activity Pack - Glow in the Dark. WB02-90 Bindeez Activity Pack - Crystal Pink. WB13-80 Bindeez Activity Pack with Bonus Refill. WB00-40 Bindeez Super Studio. WB05-10 Bindeez Super Studio - Princess - Pink. WB02-20 Bindeez Themed Gift Box - Ocean World/Space World. WB05-60 Bindeez Themed Gift Box - Jungle World/Pony World. WB05-90 Bindeez Themed Gift Box - Pet Shop/Fairy Land. WB00-70 Bindeez Tray & Spray Pack. WB02-30 Bindeez Deluxe Box.
The affected Bindeez Beads products were sold at major retailers, supermarkets, toy stores and independent specialty stores throughout Australia since 1 December 2006.
See a list of details to help identify the product
Reason the product is recalled
Beads may contain a chemical, which, if the beads are swallowed, can cause illness.
The hazards to consumers
Potential poisoning.
What consumers should do
Stop using the affected product immediately and place it out of reach of children. Contact Moose Enterprise to return for a free replacement product of equal value.
For more information, contact Moose Enterprise on 03 9579 7377 and ask to speak to customer service.
Details to help identify the product
Supplier running the recall
Identifying product features
See information above.
Identifying numbers
Other identifying numbers
Where the product was sold
Responsible regulators
Regulators are established or appointed by government. They enforce regulations and rules.
Quote PRA number 2007/9637 when contacting a regulator about this recall.
Recall and remedy questions
Contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission if you have:
- a question about the remedy being offered to you by the business that is responsible for managing this recall, or
- concerns about the way the business is managing this recall.