Product description

All Clean'n'Go, Shine'n'Go, Safe'n'Go barbeque care solution products packaged in clear plastic trigger-spray bottles.

• Clean'n'Go BBQ Hot Plate Cleaner – cleaning solution for barbeque cooking surfaces including grills and hot plates.

• Shine'n'Go BBQ Surround Cleaner – cleaning solution for external surfaces of barbeques and barbeque surrounds.

• Safe'n'Go – gas leak test solution for checking of leaks on LPG barbeques and patio heaters.

See a list of details to help identify the product

Reason the product is recalled

The PET bottles used for the Clean'n'Go product have reacted to the solution causing some leakage of the contents. There is no evidence of PET bottle failure in the Shine'n'Go and Safe'n'Go products but these are being recalled as a precautionary measure.

The hazards to consumers

No adverse health effects are expected if the products are handled in accordance with the Directions for Use and Cautions & Handling instructions on the label. However, solution leakage or improper handling of leaked products could pose a safety risk and overexposure to the products may result in eye, skin or respiratory irritation.

What consumers should do

Consumers who have purchased the product should cease use immediately, place the bottle in a zip sealed plastic bag or wrap it in a plastic garbage bag, and return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund.

Details to help identify the product

Supplier running the recall

Who sold the product

BP Service Stations, 7-Eleven stores & Elgas and Swap’n’Go stores

Identifying product features

All units packaged in clear plastic trigger-spray bottles sold in Australia at various times between November 2009 and 25 June 2010.

Identifying numbers

Other identifying numbers

All units packaged in clear plastic trigger-spray bottles sold in Australia at various times between November 2009 and 25 June 2010.

Where the product was sold


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Responsible regulators

Regulators are established or appointed by government. They enforce regulations and rules.

Quote PRA number 2010/11756 when contacting a regulator about this recall.

Recall and remedy questions

Contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission if you have:

  • a question about the remedy being offered to you by the business that is responsible for managing this recall, or
  • concerns about the way the business is managing this recall.