Product description

Exxential (formerly Uvision): equestrian helmet with visor and a ventilation grille.

Lacquered Uvision Elegance: equestrian helmet with visor, lockable ventilation lamellas and a flocked surface.

Supersonic Elegance: equestrian helmet for kids without ventilation grille and flocked surface.

See a list of details to help identify the product

Reason the product is recalled

The helmets do not meet performance requirements regarding penetration and/or shock absorption for equestrian helmets.

The hazards to consumers

There is a possibility that the helmets may not provide adequate protection to the wearer in the event of an accident and may increase the risk of injury to the wearer.

What consumers should do

Cease using the product immediately. Return to the place of purchase for a full refund or a replacement helmet.

Details to help identify the product

Supplier running the recall

Who sold the product

Specialist retailers

Identifying product features

Barcode: 433250 (433100), 433220, 433210

Identifying numbers

Other identifying numbers

Barcode: 433250 (433100), 433220, 433210

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulators

Regulators are established or appointed by government. They enforce regulations and rules.

Quote PRA number 2013/13684 when contacting a regulator about this recall.

Recall and remedy questions

Contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission if you have:

  • a question about the remedy being offered to you by the business that is responsible for managing this recall, or
  • concerns about the way the business is managing this recall.