Product description
Eurotrike Ultima Plus Tricycle
Deluxe tricycle with parent control steering system and canopy
Deluxe tricycle with parent control steering system and canopy
See a list of details to help identify the product
Reason the product is recalled
The product in its 12 month age mode has key features of a stroller, but does not have the safety features required by the mandatory safety standard for strollers.
The hazards to consumers
When used as a stroller to transport children in its 12 month age mode, the product may cause injury to a child if the product rolls in an uncontrolled manner or if a child falls out of the product.
What consumers should do
Consumers should not use the product as a stroller to transport children.
Consumers should remove and discard the high headrest and shoulder straps on the tricycle and follow updated Eurotrike guidance that children younger than 18 months of age not use the modified product. If required, contact Eurotrike to assist with the modification.
Contact Eurotrike for further information, including modification instructions and customer support:
- Website:
- Email:
- Contact free call: 1800 675 772
Details to help identify the product
Supplier running the recall
Who sold the product
Independent toy stores
Toy stores
Independent bike stores
Department store
Online retailers
Rewards companies
See attached Traders List
Toy stores
Independent bike stores
Department store
Online retailers
Rewards companies
See attached Traders List
Identifying numbers
XG65 and XG66
Dates available for sale
Where the product was sold
Responsible regulators
Regulators are established or appointed by government. They enforce regulations and rules.
Quote PRA number 2018/17195 when contacting a regulator about this recall.
Recall and remedy questions
Contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission if you have:
- a question about the remedy being offered to you by the business that is responsible for managing this recall, or
- concerns about the way the business is managing this recall.