Product description

The affected tyres have the following brand and model numbers/sizes/DOT Identification Numbers

Mastercraft A/S IV P23575R15 R7 HL FEB 0617 to 0717
Mastercraft A/S IV P205/75R15 R7 UL FEB 0617 to 0717

The affected tyres were manufactured from 8 February 2017 to 18 February 2017.

See a list of details to help identify the product

Reason the product is recalled

The affected tyres were manufactured with an incorrect rubber compound on the belt wire which may result in poor adhesion of the rubber to the belt wires.

The hazards to consumers

The affected tyres may develop an in-service audible noise, unsatisfactory ride condition, belt separation, or distortion in the tread area that if undetected may ultimately result in a tyre failure, leading to the loss of vehicle control and increase the risk of a possible crash.

What consumers should do

Consumers will be contacted by Exclusive Tyre Distributors by phone and/or letter. Consumers who believe they have affected tyres, but aren't contacted by Exclusive Tyre Distributors, should contact Exclusive Tyres to arrange for identification and replacement of any affected tyres, free of charge.

Replacement tyre selection will be by the consumer. If a tyre other than the recalled tyre is chosen, Cooper will cover the cost of the replacement up to the purchase price of the recalled tyre. If the consumer selects a more expensive tyre, the consumer will need to pay the difference in price.

For further information about this recall, phone Exclusive Tyre Distributors on 1800 681 298 or visit the Mastercraft Tire website on

Details to help identify the product

Supplier running the recall

Cooper Tire & Rubber Company

Who sold the product

Mastercraft tyres are sold predominantly though independent retailers.

Identifying numbers

Other identifying numbers

Each tyre has a DOT Identification Number. The tyre's DOT Identification Number is located on the lower sidewall of the tyre. Affected DOT Identification Numbers are R7 HL FEB 0617 or 0717 and R7 UL FEB 0617 or 0717.

Dates available for sale


Where the product was sold

Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia

Responsible regulators

Regulators are established or appointed by government. They enforce regulations and rules.

Quote PRA number 2018/16533 when contacting a regulator about this recall.

Recall and remedy questions

Contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission if you have:

  • a question about the remedy being offered to you by the business that is responsible for managing this recall, or
  • concerns about the way the business is managing this recall.