Product description

Sea-Doo Spark Audio Portable System
Model Years 2019-2021 and certain 2022

Part Number

Sold as an accessory or mounted on certain Sea-Doo Spark personal watercraft. See attached image for how to identify a defective Audio-Portable System.

Watercraft which received a replacement Audio Mounting System under PRA2019/17808 will need to be repaired again. 

See a list of details to help identify the product

Reason the product is recalled

The tabs of the Audio Portable System may break and cause the Audio Portable System to dislodge from its mount.

The hazards to consumers

If the Audio Portable System dislodges from its mount, there is a risk of serious injury or death to the user or passenger.

What consumers should do

Consumers should remove the portable audio system from their personal watercraft before using it.

BRP will repair all affected portable audio systems free of charge.  Repairs are expected to commence from the end of June 2022.

To find a local Sea-Doo dealer, visit

For further information, contact BRP by phone on 1800 531 996.

Details to help identify the product

Supplier running the recall

Who sold the product

Authorised BRP Sea-Doo dealerships

Identifying numbers


SKU 295100866

Dates available for sale


Where the product was sold


Manufacturer country ID


Print supporting information

Responsible regulators

Regulators are established or appointed by government. They enforce regulations and rules.

Quote PRA number 2022/19432 when contacting a regulator about this recall.

Recall and remedy questions

Contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission if you have:

  • a question about the remedy being offered to you by the business that is responsible for managing this recall, or
  • concerns about the way the business is managing this recall.