Product description
Vita-Mix 225 ml and 600 ml blending containers and blade bases.
- Compatible with certain Vitamix® Ascent® and Venturist® Series blenders
- Sold separately, as sets and included in bundles
- Manufactured after May 2018
See a list of details to help identify the product
Reason the product is recalled
The container can separate from the blade base exposing the blades.
The hazards to consumers
There is a risk of injury from laceration if the container separates from the blade base.
What consumers should do
Consumers should stop using affected products immediately and visit to register their details to receive a repair kit.
Alternatively, consumers can call 1800 959 459 for details about the corrective action and to register their details. The hotline is open from 9 am – 6 pm, Monday to Friday.
Details to help identify the product
Supplier running the recall
Dates available for sale
Where the product was sold
Responsible regulators
Regulators are established or appointed by government. They enforce regulations and rules.
Quote PRA number 2024/20233 when contacting a regulator about this recall.
Recall and remedy questions
Contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission if you have:
- a question about the remedy being offered to you by the business that is responsible for managing this recall, or
- concerns about the way the business is managing this recall.