NSW Fair Trading has joined forces with Kidsafe NSW to raise awareness of the danger posed by blind cords, with the distribution of 10,000 blind cord safety device kits underway.

According to the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission one to two Australian children die from blind or curtain cords each year.

“Any death of a child from a blind or curtain cord is one too many,’’ said NSW Fair Trading Minister Matthew Mason-Cox.

"This NSW Fair Trading initiative is aimed at reminding parents and carers to check their blind cords are safe for children and to advise consumers on what they can do to remove potential hazards in the home.

“Always insist on safety features when purchasing made-to-measure blinds or curtains.

“Talk to your local supplier about installing the right type of blind cord safety device for your home and check your blind and cords have warning labels,’’ he said.

Kidsafe NSW is distributing 10,000 blind cord safety device kits on behalf of Fair Trading to support parents and carers in preventing choking and strangling accidents.

“The blind cord safety device kits have been very well received by the parents, grandparents and carers wanting to make their homes safe,” said Ms Christine Erskine, Executive Officer Kidsafe NSW.

“Not only does this campaign focus attention on potential hazards around windows but it offers a simple, easy preventative measure. “The problem can be rectified immediately.”

Fair Trading advice to protect children:

  • Keep children away from all cords – move furniture, cots and beds away.
  • Check all blind and curtain cords – both at home and when away on holidays. Make sure they are out of children's reach.
  • Make loose cords safe – use safety devices or if necessary cut the cord loop and attach a tassel at the end of each strand.
  • Choose safe blinds– check new curtains and blinds have warning labels.

Free safety kits can be ordered by visiting www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au. For more information on blind cord safety visit the Fair Trading website.

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